For years now I have been creating spice mixes at home; a
dash of salt here, a sprinkle of paprika there and then a slip of the hand and the
entire contents of a jar of hot chilli powder… Disaster.
But, crisis averted, leading herbs and spices expert Schwartz
has brought out (you guessed it) gluten free ready mixes.
With 5 recipe mixes including Fajitas, Cottage Pie
and Chicken Casserole as well as 3 pour over sauces such as Beef Gravy and Cheese Sauce, these
superb sachets are; a healthy and acceptable shortcut that are ideal in
transforming any dish from blah to TA-DAH!
Each, serves 4, sachet has a quality blend of flavours and
are adaptable to a multiple of recipes. From covering a juicy steak in the Peppercorn
Sauce mix to using the Spaghetti Bolognese mix for an adventurous take on vegetarian
stuffed peppers you're bound to find a good use for them.
So, whether you’re a quick-and-easy cook, a budding chef or a kitchen rookie, prepare for your dishes to become champions of flavour.
Schwartz gluten free recipe mixes can be found at all major
supermarkets including, Sainsburys, Tesco & Asda at an RRP of £1.30
Check out the Schwartz website for more recipe ideas!